Value Creation Connections

We are working to make mining sustainable by creating value throughout our chain as one of our purposes, and  innovation and collaboration are the essential principles to achieve this, along with our main stakeholders.

Our business thrives alongside that of our suppliers when we work understanding that competitiveness for sustainable mining grows whereas we collaborate and move forward together.


To develop our Supply Chain, advancing in collaborative practices and promoting integrated work with our suppliers and partners at a global, regional and local level

Management Approach:

  • To define and integrate the scope of our Suppliers and Partners, standardizing their main definitions between regions: Local, Critical, Strategic and SMEs
  • To develop programs that aim towards hiring local suppliers, strengthening economic growth in the regions where we operate.

To improve our position as a strategic partner of our clients and actively and positively contribute to their performance and ESG results.


To directly contribute to the achievement of our clients’ key objectives and ESG performance in the short, medium, and long term.

Management Approach:

  • To implement programs in each region designed to help our clients improve their ESG results and reports, reflecting our commitment to their own sustainability.

We will work together with the communities to generate shared value through social investment that will promote its progress and development.


To diagnose the areas of influence of all our productive operations and turn this instrument into the basis of the roadmap of our social investment on a global, regional, and local level.

Management Approach:

  • To develop the Social Investment Roadmap on a global, regional, and local scale.


ME FIT Programs

Products and services

Mining 4.0

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